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See what's happening in Maryland and across the Mid Shore! From training opportunities to success stories, to local resources and more...our newsletters and blog posts will keep you informed.
Mid Shore Celebrates 'Walktober'
Virtual Diabetes Prevention Program for Spanish- Speaking Adults on the Eastern Shore
MD Families get Summer Grocery Money for Eligible School-Aged Children
Find Food this Summer
You and 'Prevent T2'
Take a 1-minute Risk Test for Diabetes Alert Day
Growing Together: The Children's Gardening Club of Dorchester
Diabetes Prevention Mini-grant opportunity!
Summer Meals for Kids
Kids-Healthy, Fit and Having Fun!
'Healthy You' Engages Older Adults at Risk of Diabetes
Find a Farmers Market or Mobile Market Near You
FREE Chronic Disease/Diabetes Self-Management Classes- ONLINE
Caroline County 1 of 4 National Grantees!
Today is Diabetes Alert Day
From Seed to Leaf- Indoor Garden Towers take Root
Upcoming Changes to SNAP Benefits
Reverse Prediabetes. Anytime. Anyplace.
The Keep it Moving Challenge is starting
Mobile Market brings healthy foods to the people of Caroline County.