Are you having a baby? You may get free health care if you are not a U.S. citizen. Medicaid may be able to help. Medicaid pays for health care for people who cannot afford it. Medicaid is the same as Medical Assistance.
Sign up for Medicaid as soon as you know you are pregnant. Get the care you and your baby need right away. And you may keep Medicaid up to four months after your baby is born.

Who can get Medicaid? To be eligible, you must:
Be pregnant
Live in Maryland
Meet income limits
The best way to know if you can get Medicaid is to apply.
What healthcare can I get? Medicaid will pay for:
Doctor visits
Prenatal visits – doctor visits to check you and baby before baby is born
Hospital care
Hospital stay – when you have baby
Dental care
Lab work and tests
Prescription drugs – medicine from your doctor
Mental health care
Behavioral health care - help to stop smoking, drinking alcohol or using drugs
Transportation services - a ride to and from medical care through Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT)
Starting July 1, 2023, you can apply:
Online at
By calling 1-855-642-8572
TTY users call 711 for Maryland Relay
In person at a local Health Department
In person at a local Health and Human Services Office
Unpaid medical bills before Medicaid
Medicaid may help pay for health care you had in the three months before you applied. To learn more, talk to Maryland Health Connection, or go to your local Health Department or Department of Social Services.
Help in other languages
Learn more about this free help, see Interpreter Services or call 1-855-642-8572. TTY users call 711 for Maryland Relay.
Consumer resources
Healthy Babies Help in Other Languages
Learn more about this free help:
See Interpreter Services
Call 1-855-642-8572
TTY users call 711 for Maryland Relay
Information for providers
Retroactive Coverage Up to three months of retroactive coverage before the individual’s coverage start date is available but will not extend prior to the start of the pregnancy. Benefits Package The benefits package detailed above is identical to that available to other pregnant Medicaid members. Timing Coverage is available from the start of pregnancy through four months postpartum. All postpartum follow-ups must be completed within the four month time frame Provider resources