Walk Maryland Day is a celebration of our official state exercise--walking! It is always celebrated statewide on the first Wednesday in October, to coincide with Walk to School Day. It is a call to action to promote awareness about regular walking year-round, to encourage physical activity and improved health, engaging Marylanders with fun walks for all.
October 5 marks the 8th Annual Walk Maryland Day celebration. All Marylanders are encouraged to take time on that day to lead or join a walking event around where they live, work or play on October 5, 2022. To create a walk and/or become a Walk Maryland Day Walk Leader, click here. To join an already existing walk as a walker (solemate), click here. We encourage you to make walking a regular habit, not just on October 5. Be a part of the Walktober movement to make at least 150 minutes of physical activity weekly your year round habit!