Dedicated health care professionals in the mid shore can apply to receive support with higher education loans. The application for 2024 opened on March 1, 2024 and ends on April 15, 2024.
Throughout Maryland, healthcare professionals work diligently every day to meet the varied healthcare needs of all Marylanders, however, workforce shortages persist and create challenges to supporting healthcare access across the state. To address these challenges, the Maryland Loan Repayment Programs (MLRP) aim to improve the recruitment and retention of the health professional workforce, especially in areas of Maryland experiencing health professional shortages.
The Maryland Loan Repayment Programs (MLRP) offer higher education loan repayment assistance to health professionals including physicians, physician assistants, medical residents, nurses, and nursing support staff. These professionals have the opportunity to practice in areas of healthcare professional shortages in exchange for loan repayment assistance. These programs, including the State Loan Repayment Program (SLRP), the Maryland Loan Assistance Repayment Program (MLARP) for Physicians and Physician Assistants, and the MLARP for Nurses and Nursing Support Staff, are funded via Federal and state-level resources.
MLRP offers participants educational loan repayment assistance in exchange for a service obligation at an eligible practice site. Find links to details regarding the application, award, and participation processes here. Eligibility criteria and the number of awards possible can change from year-to-year based on authorizing legislation and funding availability.