Through funding from the Maryland Department of Health, the Kent County Health Department is making mini-grants available to schools, community and faith-based organizations or businesses to prevent initiation of tobacco use (including smoking and vaping) and promote services to help individuals quit, including Maryland's free Quitline. Up to seven awards of $5,000 are available.
According to the latest available Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System data from the 2022-2023 school year, 31.8% of high school students in Kent County are current tobacco users (compared to 15.9% statewide). Tobacco use is not consistent for all youth. Data show that in Kent County, those who experience food insecurity, live with someone who smokes, feel sad or hopeless, drink alcohol, use drugs, use cannabis, or have a high Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) score are significantly more likely to use tobacco.
Examples of past mini-grant activities within the mid-shore region include:
Afterschool programming through art clubs, leadership clubs, etc.
Participation in CADCA's, Take Back Your 10 campaign
Video and other media development to raise awareness of tobacco/nicotine issues
Prior to submitting an application, organizations are highly encouraged to get project inspiration, and access training and materials through the following sources:
The Maryland Tobacco Quitline, 1-800-QUIT NOW
Maryland Department of Health Key Resources on E-Cigarettes and Vaping
Apply by September 30, 2024 here
To learn about mini-grant opportunities in the other mid-shore counties, contact: