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Data allows us to establish baselines, set goals and objectives and measure progress over time. We use national and statewide data and collect local data to fill in the gaps and provide a richer sense of our strengths and opportunities.

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$4.9B Estimated annual medical costs for Maryland as the result of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

-American Diabetes Association


Environmental Public Health Tracking Network

Data on community characteristics data to identify households or geographies likely to be affected by a public health emergency.


County Health Rankings by State and County

Provides data, evidence, guidance, and examples to build awareness of the multiple factors that influence health and support community leaders working to improve health and increase health equity.


Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS) State and county level data:

Local level data (PLACES): (data cannot be trended over time per CDC) Maryland BRFSS site: Health-related telephone surveys that collect state data about U.S. residents regarding their health-related risk behaviors, chronic health conditions, and use of preventive services.


The Annie E. Casey Foundation KIDS Count Data Center

Data center provides resources and develops and distributes reports on important child well-being issues.


Maryland- State Open Data Portal (iMAP)

Interactive maps below providing information and statistics on human services, infectious disease and environment-related health, domestic violence, and zip codes at risk for lead or food systems.


AARP Livability Index

Livability factors include housing, transportation, civic and social engagement, environment

City Health Dashboard Dashboard on clinical care, health behaviors, health outcomes, and physical environment for large, small, and mid-size cities


Maryland – Governor’s Office for Children

Describes the general well-being of Maryland’s children and families and measures progress in realizing these core results by tracking quantifiable proxies for success called Indicators. (kindergarten readiness, crime, graduation rates, etc)


Maryland – Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services

Provides information on crime statistics for more than the past 30 years.


Medical shortage areas

Medically Underserved Areas/Populations are areas or populations designated by HRSA as having too few primary care providers, high infant mortality, high poverty or a high elderly population. Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) are designated by HRSA as having shortages of primary medical care, dental or mental health providers and may be geographic (a county or service area), population (e.g. low income or Medicaid eligible) or facilities (e.g. federally qualified health center or other state or federal prisons).

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