Join Marylanders in celebrating No Menthol Sunday on May 19, 2024. This year’s theme is ‘Rooted in Power, a Decade of Determination.”
No Menthol Sunday is an annual opportunity for faith communities to address the detrimental impact tobacco, specifically menthol, has on Black communities. Each year, faith leaders are encouraged to dedicate this day to educating congregants about smoking, vaping and the role of menthol and other flavors.
This campaign dates back 10 years and is a poignant reminder that the tobacco industry targets Black communities by creating menthol tobacco advertisements using images and ideals from Black culture, increases promotions in Black neighborhoods, and supplies giveaways at Black cultural events.
Adult Black Marylanders use menthol tobacco cigarettes (which is more addictive and harder to quit than non-menthol cigarettes) over 50% more than Adult White Marylanders. Tobacco use is the number one cause of preventable death in the Black community.